Musica da Camera & David Pereira
9th September, 2:30pm Cook ACT
10th September, 2:30pm Gundaroo NSW
It has been great to take the time to imagine spider characters that would bring out excellent music, especially that I have been allowed to bring my sense of humour into the music. Also writing for an audience of children in mind has been fun! How enjoyable to be meeting for rehearsals every week for a long period, allowing us to fall in love with the music we are playing.
Bookings are now open via Trybooking for our performance featuring David Pereira as soloist in Popper’s “Hungarian Rhapsody” for cello and string orchestra and premiering David’s compositions for Musica da Camera, “Variations on Incy Wincy Spider”. Performances on Saturday Sept 9 at the Holy Covenant Church in Cook and on Sunday Sept 10 in the Soldier’s Memorial Hall in Gundaroo. Both at 2.30pm. We are looking forward to presenting a program of delightful string orchestra music including treats for the young and young at heart.